Monday, October 31, 2011

Making Sense of the Christian Faith #7- The Body of Christ

Why go to church?  This is a big conversation that is being had in our culture today and quite frankly, the (national and local) statistics say, less and less people are choosing to be a part of a local church.

I have to be honest and say that it is a scary conversation for me as a pastor because…well… it is my livelihood.  Maybe more than that it is a question that tugs (and sometimes flat out yanks) at my insecurities:  Is the church relevant to people anymore?  

I don’t mean to start a debate and because I am writing a blog (not a book) I don’t want to go too far into what is a very complex issue.   I also believe that the constant challenge of every church should be this question:   How do we remain faithful to the gospel and connect with people in the culture?  But there is a wonderful image that Lose gives in the book that captures beautifully the reason why we should go to church.  The image is breathing.

“The Holy Spirit” says Lose, “breathes us in so that we can be called and commissioned and breathes us back out into the world to make a difference.  Breathed in, breathed out.”  At church as we worship, as we hear the word of God and we celebrate His sacraments:  we are breathed in by God and we breathe in the Holy Spirit.  And in the process we are brought back to that simple gospel truth that we are beloved children of God, that in Christ we have forgiveness and we are made new so that we can be fully alive.  And then we are breathed out, so that we can go out and experience life the way it was meant to be lived, a life of service to our neighbor, a life of joy. 

And breathing is a rhythm.  It is not too long before we breathe in that we need to breathe out.  It is not too long before we breathe out that we need to breathe back in.  No, it is not to long at all.   In fact, according to God, it is about every 7 days…  

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Chapter #6- You have beautiful feet...

In Making Sense of the Christian Faith Chapter 6 we are looking at the concept of “atonement.”  In other words the question: “Why did Jesus have to die on the cross?”  It is the question that has been with Christianity ever since the beginning and it was a controversy even before Paul penned these words when writing his 1st letter to the Corinthians:  but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles (1 Cor. 1:23)” 

For many this question is a non-starter to faith.  It is just too much to believe that God would become flesh and then (to add to the scandal of it all) die on a cross.  And yet, it is at the center of what we believe.  We can’t get away from it no matter how many diamonds we put on the crosses that we hang around our necks.  Each of the gospel stories has the death and resurrection as its central event. 

So the questions become:  Does it make sense to you?  Does it make enough sense to you to understand why it needed to happen?  And… here’s the real question… does it make enough sense to you to be able to try and explain it to your children, your neighbors, your (fill in the blank).  If not, read Chapter 6.

I say this because lately I have been looking at the big picture of faith in our culture.  Sadly, less and less people know the Christian story these days.  A simple reason for this is that less and less people are telling it.  One of the reasons for this is because it is a hard story to tell.  It takes work.  And there is a risk, not everybody is going to believe it.  Some might even scoff at us when we tell it.  But, and here is the thing, for some it is going to be liberating, life-saving and the best story they have ever heard.  This is why it has come to be known as “the gospel” which means “good news.” 

Let’s not forget that it is a really beautiful story to know.  It gives life.  It tells the story of how much God loves us.  It helps people to make sense of life.  Let’s not forget that it is a story that is meant to be told even if it feels a bit risky or hard to tell.  Let’s not forget we have beautiful feet.

Romans 10:15:  “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!       

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

You are a Theologian... I am serious.

Thinking theologically about the Incarnation…

Have I already lost you?  Are you eyes already starting to glaze over?   Are the words theological and incarnation more potent than the average over-the-counter sleeping pill? 

We have been talking theology now for several weeks and, I have discovered that when it comes to theological concepts like the Incarnation, many people say things like, “I believe that in Jesus, God became human so why do I need to think any more about it?” 

The answer is because these questions are still being asked, maybe not by us but by many others.  Not just by Muslims and Jewish people who want to understand that Jesus was a great teacher but not divine, but also by, for example, many young people within the Christian church who have never learned about this concept because the older people have stopped passing it along. 

So my encouragement as we cross the halfway point of reading this book is: keep reading.   Keep reading not just for you but also for those around you.  More than likely, there are people around you  who might have questions about God that you can help answer.  In fact, you might just be the theologian that God has put in their life to talk about the Incarnation.  Or maybe I should say it this way, you might be the person that God has put in their life to tell that beautiful story about a God who loves us so much that he is willing to come to us, in all our messiness, in all our chaos,  and remind us how much He loves us.   

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments…  when is the last time you really thought about them?  Not about whether or not they should be featured in front of a court house somewhere but their actual content? 

For me, they are just one of those things that I assume in my life.  I assume they are there, I assume that they all make sense in their own way and… I assume that I know them. 

But I am glad that I have gotten the chance to think about them again.  The perspective that has helped is the way David Lose describes them as a gift that a parent gives a child in order to help them live life.  Maybe it is because now I am a parent and I am one of the officially designated law givers in my house.  Maybe because my oldest is really smart and lets me know when he disagrees or sees flaws with one of the laws that I lay down.  Maybe because I picture a future in which my kids challenge and even rebel against my laws just for the sake of rebelling.

I am ready with my defense.  “These rules I have given you not because I want to oppress you, not because I want to make you feel ashamed when you can’t live up to them, but because if we are able to follow them, life in the family will be better.  Peace will abound.  We will learn how to look out for each other, respect each other, and be the family God calls us to be for the world.” 

O man, I know that there will be conversations in which that defense will sound so thin.  I picture my kids as teenagers as they roll their eyes when they hear dad repeat it yet again like he is some kind of broken record.   I see it happening because I remember doing it to my parents.  But I know that I have got to hold my line.  Because I really do love my family and I want the best for them and I have come to realize that while giving and reinforcing rules is usually a pretty thankless job it is one of the best ways to show your kids how much you love them.