…written by Chamie
Some rhythms seem effortless to get into… like drinking a glass of red wine each night on the balcony while gazing at the sparkling blue ocean and saying farewell to the sun as it dips behind the rolling hill. I’ve found this a really easy rhythm to adopt here at Avila Beach.
Other rhythms are a little more challenging. But we hear the invitation of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew to try a new dance:
"Are you tired? Worn out? Come to me. Get away with me and you will recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me – watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly."
“The unforced rhythms of grace.” That is a phrase that has beckoned Tim and me for quite some time now. It is what called us to make this first part of sabbatical about “setting rhythm,” about creating a “rule of life” so we can live in such grace. St. Benedict, many centuries ago, developed a “rule” for those who lived in monastic community together. “Rule” can often be seen as a heavy or negative word for people. But in the spiritual life, Adelle Calhoun says that rules “aren’t a burdensome list of do’s and don’ts, enumerating everything you might do in a day. Life-giving rules are a brief and realistic scaffold of disciplines that support your heart’s desire to grow in loving God and loving others.” Tim and I call this “rhythms of grace.”
There are five rhythms we are fleshing out here, five rhythms we hope to take with us on this entire sabbatical journey. They are central to the life of the Benedictines. During the next couple of weeks, we will take each one of those rhythms and share our thoughts with you… get ready to…
and rest.
Note… we will be leading a Family Retreat at El Camino Pines Bible Camp in Frazier Park, CA the weekend of November 13-15 based off the sabbatical experience. You can find more information at www.raisingmicah.org under “Events & Faith Communities.” Registration forms are also available at Ascension Lutheran Church & School and Lifesong Christian Communities. You may sign up at anytime, but a discounted rate is in effect through May 17, 2009.
Sunday, November 27th, the first day of the season of Advent, BEGINS the new Christian year. So, if Advent begins a new year, it might be worth pausing for a moment to consider the a different way of living in time. How might our world be different if we lived in sacred rhythm? What if we opened and closed our days in prayer?Truly took a Sabbath? Avoided getting swept into holiday frenzy by living Advent? I believe that it would open us up to once again hear the truly good news of Christmas.
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